Part Four: Digging Deeper
So are you someone that loves original research? Do the words like empirically validated, peer reviewed and meta analysis get you really excited? US TOO!
While we live to translate hard core science into information you can actually understand and use to make your life better, we get that some people want to see if for themselves (we certainly do!). We want to support that by having links to all sorts of original research that you can trust is from reliable sources. The goal: save you from having to sift through the questionable info floating around the internet and get straight to the good stuff!
- Baxter, Amy L., et al. “The number of injected same-day preschool vaccines relates to preadolescent needle fear and HPV uptake.” Vaccine 35.33 (2017): 4213-4219.
- Boerner, Katelynn E., et al. “Simple psychological interventions for reducing pain from common needle procedures in adults: systematic review of randomized and quasi-randomized controlled trials.” The Clinical journal of pain 31.Suppl 10 (2015): S90.
- Chorney, Jill MacLaren, Patrick McGrath, and G. Allen Finley. “Pain as the neglected adverse event.” Cmaj 182.7 (2010): 732-732.
- Deacon, Brett, and Jonathan Abramowitz. “Fear of needles and vasovagal reactions among phlebotomy patients.” Journal of anxiety disorders 20.7 (2006): 946-960.
- Fein, Joel A., et al. “Relief of pain and anxiety in pediatric patients in emergency medical systems.” Pediatrics 130.5 (2012): e1391-e1405.
- Freeman, D., Lambe, S., Yu, L. M., Freeman, J., Chadwick, A., Vaccari, C., … & Loe, B. S. (2021). “Injection fears and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy.” Psychological Medicine, 1-24 (2021).
- Hamilton, James G. “Needle phobia: a neglected diagnosis.” Journal of Family Practice 41.2 (1995): 169-182.
- Johnson, David R., Kristin L. Nichol, and Kim Lipczynski. “Barriers to adult immunization.” The American journal of medicine 121.7 (2008): S28-S35.
- McMurtry, C. Meghan, et al. “Far From ‘Just a Poke’: Common Painful Needle Procedures and the Development of Needle Fear.” The Clinical journal of pain (2015).
- McMurtry, C. Meghan, et al. “Exposure-based Interventions for the management of individuals with high levels of needle fear across the lifespan: a clinical practice guideline and call for further research.” Cognitive behaviour therapy 45.3 (2016): 217-235.
- Nir, Yael, et al. “Fear of injections in young adults: prevalence and associations.” The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 68.3 (2003): 341-344.
- Shah V, Taddio A, McMurtry CM, et al. “Pharmacological and combined interventions to reduce vaccine injection pain in children and adults: systematic review and meta-analysis.” Clin J Pain. 2015;31(10S):S38–S63.
- Taddio, Anna, et al. “Survey of the prevalence of immunization non-compliance due to needle fears in children and adults.” Vaccine 30.32 (2012): 4807-4812.
- Wright, Simone, et al. “Fear of needles-nature and prevalence in general practice.” Australian family physician 38.3 (2009): 172-176.

That’s it! Now let’s put your new knowledge to use by trying out some helpful resources.