Resources for Babies & Toddlers (0-2)

By doing things well right from the start, we can create better health care experiences and outcomes for life!
Early medical experiences lay the groundwork for things to come. Even though they might not “remember it,” babies do experience pain and protecting them is essential. Toddlers are full of energy and imagination and eager to learn. It’s up to the grownups to help coach their coping, and show them all the ways they can be POWERFUL!
Good stuff for babies

Be Sweet to Babies at Vaccination Time: less than 6 months old
How to reduce crying and pain during babies' immunizations!

Be Sweet to Babies at Vaccination Time: older than 6 months
How to reduce crying and pain during older babies' needle pokes

Reduce the Pain of Vaccination in Babies
A clear, concise brochure on pain management specifically for infants and babies from SickKids Hospital.
Getting started with toddlers

Digital Tool
Pain Champions Guide for Parents
Learn all you need to know about how to manage needle pain and anxiety through this interactive tech tool.

Numbing Cream: How to make it work for you!
Learn how to do this research proven, expert recommended strategy

Guide to Topical Anesthetics and Numbing Cream
Learn what you need to know about numbing cream!

Comfort Positioning Guide
Learn comfort positions that allow you to calm and comfort your child while keeping them safe!
Helpful videos

Wield the Shield!
Meet SuperMeg, and learn why good pain management and controlling medical anxiety is a a big deal.

Numbing Cream: How to make it work for you!
Learn how to do this research proven, expert recommended strategy

Sweet solutions and pain management for babies
How to use sweet solutions to minimize needle pain in babies

Be Sweet to Babies at Vaccination Time: less than 6 months old
How to reduce crying and pain during babies' immunizations!

Want to see all our resources for babies and toddlers? Check out our Resources library.