Core to our mission is collaboration and supporting the good work of others. We believe we all do more together than we ever could alone!
Partner with us!
We build tools and resources that are meant for EVERYONE. Increasing our impact means helping to increase the impact of others doing good in the world. We are here to help, and can provide support on the specific how-to’s of easily using these tools, and examples of how others have successfully used these resources in their communities.
Our tools are open access, so YES you can use them in your organization or institution. We only ask that content not be altered or changed so we can ensure they meet our rigorous quality and scientific standards. Are you concerned that something out our resources doesn’t match up with what is possible or available in your organization? Reach out! We can discuss creating a customized version for you like we have done many times before.
We also know many organizations are hesitant to use resources that don’t include their logo. Partnering with us can open up that possiblity as well. We want to reduce any and all barriers to access!
Interested in partnering with us? Contact us at
Interested in translated content? We can do that!
As part of our commitment to healthcare equity and access, we want to make our tools available for EVERYONE. We want our resources in as many languages as possible, so please make a request if it would be useful to your patient population.
We prefer to have medical providers do our translation work to ensure that we are preserving the intent of the language (rather than straight translation of the words) and so we can get feedback on any cultural difference issues that may be present. If you are interested, please reach out to

We Can Do This Campaign
We Can Do This is a COVID-19 public education campaign organized by the U.S Department of Health and Human Services as a national initiative to increase public confidence in and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines while reinforcing basic prevention measures such as mask wearing and social distancing. Through a nationwide network of trusted messengers and consistent, fact-based public health messaging, the campaign helps the public make informed decisions about their health and COVID-19, including steps to protect themselves and their communities. The effort is driven by communication science and provides tailored information for at-risk groups.

ChildKind International
ChildKind is an international organization which seeks to promote evidence-based pain management practices for children. They certify hospitals that demonstrate consistent, proper practice in caring for kids.

Booster Shot Media
Booster Shot Media is a creative communications project run by Alex Thomas MD and Gary Ashwal MA. They work to make complex topics in health and medicine accessible to a wide audience.
The duo also helped to create Stanford’s ImaginAction project, in collaboration with Dr. Jody Thomas.

Comfort Quest
Comfort Quest are crazy passionate creatives who design and build digital experiences that empower children and their families facing scary medical procedures. Together, we created the SuperMeg Poke Plan, Pain Champions, Hack the Vax, and Take Control applications.

Kedren Health
Kedren’s vision is to eliminate health disparities for children, youth, adults, and families in South Los Angeles by creating access to care irrespective of one’s ability to pay.

The ComfortAbility
The Comfort Ability® Program, led by Dr. Rachael Coakley, has workshops (in person or virtual) at children’s hospitals throughout North America and Australia. The workshops are a crash course in learning how to better manage a wide range of chronic symptoms (like headache, abdominal pain, nausea, nerve pain, fatigue, joint pain, disease related pain, post-surgical pain, or FND). Based in cognitive behavioral therapy, kids, teens, parents, and caregivers learn the science of why skills rooted in psychology can help, get the chance to practice many proven coping skills, gain social support, and develop a personalized plan for managing symptoms.

Society of Pediatric Psychology’s Pain Special Interest Group
Pediatric pain is a common condition of childhood/adolescence. As such, many pediatric psychologists research and provide clinical care in this area. Specialized programs are typically interdisciplinary. The Pain SIG provides a forum for communication and discussion about the many developments in the field.
For Public Health and Health Care Organizations
We get asked ALL the time if health care providers are allowed to use our resources, and the answer is YES! The ability to support health care providers and improve patient care is why we exist! We not only have the tools, but have created resources on how they can be incorporated in your setting. Questions? Reach out! We are here to help!
For non-profits and charity organizations
There are so many amazing organizations out there advocating for and supporting their communities. We are here to support you! You can always use and access our resources, but we also do more than that. Interview Dr. Jody Thomas with your questions and share with your community. Collaborate on a blog post with us to amplify your community’s voice. Reach out and talk to us about the needs of your community and how we may be able to meet them. We are ever growing, ever expanding, and want to get better at meeting the needs of various communities.